

The Early Years Learning Framework is a guide for Early Childhood Educators who work with children from birth to 5 years. It helps educators develop Early Learning programs that are responsive to the children’s ideas, interests, strengths and abilities in the context of their families and communities.

The framework outlines a vision and an education program that promotes wellbeing and learning in a culturally responsive, safe and supported setting.

The Preschool Program follows the Northern Territory Preschool Curriculum which links directly to the  Early Years Learning Framework (EYLF). The EYLF describes the Early Childhood Years as a time of belonging, being and becoming. The EYLF focuses on the following outcomes:

  1. Children have a strong sense of identity
  2. Children are connected and contribute to their world
  3. Children have a strong sense of wellbeing
  4. Children are confident and involved learners
  5. Children are effective communicators

At St Francis’ Early Learning Centre, through choices we give children agency to learn about their world, intentional teaching is both planned and spontaneous and all learning environments are set up to encourage and foster peer interactions. They also allow children to revisit and extend on their knowledge.

While choice is the main focus of the program, there are times when children are encouraged to participate in group experiences and develop a sense of community.


We are constantly observe the children’s thinking, language, social/emotional, gross motor and fine motor development. These may include photos of daily activities or events and learning stories. From these observations we create programs that extend on children’s interests and strengths while also addressing their needs.  Your child’s observations will be kept in their learning journey in the room and will be available for your perusal at any time.  The children will also have access to their learning journey so they can both discuss and share ideas with each other. Privacy and confidentiality rules are strictly observed and any sensitive documents will be kept in a locked cabinet.

The Preschool children are monitored against age appropriate developmental checklists (Assessment of Student Competencies) and these are placed in the learning journey as well.

Learning Journeys

Each child will have a Learning Journey in which observations, reports, assessment of student competencies (pre-schoolers only), art work and any other documentation will be kept.  When your child first starts at the Centre, you will be asked to fill out a simple profile sheet and a “About me” sheet, which is in the enrolment pack. These will provide staff with basic information about your child and the folders will be used to document your child’s progress throughout the year. These folders belong to you and your child, so feel free to look through them whenever you can and make any parent comments, so we can add these into our programme.